7 Questions to Ask a Sales Director in an Interview
27 Sept, 20175 MinutesWhen you embark on the recruitment process of hiring a Sales Director, and you've gone throu...

When you embark on the recruitment process of hiring a Sales Director, and you've gone through the applications you've shortlisted for an interview, it's time to put some thought into what specific Sales Director interview questions you want to ask your candidates.
Of course, at the interview stage, you'll want to ask some generic and personal questions to understand the type of person you're interviewing to ensure they're a cultural fit. However, you'll also want to direct specific questions to the candidate to ensure they are suitable for the Sales Director job.
Fortunately for you, we've decided to share our seven questions to ask a Sales Director in an interview to ensure you get the most out of your candidates at the interview stage. With our base of questions, you'll be well on your way to finding the best Sales Director to enhance your sales team and your business.
Before we delve into the questions, let's first outline what a Sales Director is.
What is a Sales Director?
Someone who is results-driven, relentlessly determined, and organized are the attributes of almost every successful salesperson, but a Sales Director needs something extra.
A good Sales Director is the essential cog in your sales operation. Finding the right one can significantly impact your bottom line, so it's crucial to identify the most suitable candidate by asking all the right questions at the interview stage.
More than anything, your Sales Director needs to be agile. You want leaders who can motivate and drive their team while adapting to different and sometimes challenging situations to hit targets. An exceptional individual in this role can make a massive difference to your company, so identifying this person early on is critical.
Their CV has been impressive enough to get them to interview, but how do you get the most out of your potential new team leader in a face-to-face setting? We've collated the seven most important Sales Director interview questions you should be asking and what they could reveal about your candidates.
1. Why do you want to become a Sales Director?
Money is important to everyone, especially in sales, but if your candidate says they're simply looking for a new position to make more cash for themselves, they may not be suitable for your open role. Instead, a promising candidate will talk about their passion for team management, their desire to be involved in strategic decisions, and their intentions to use their leadership skills to empower success within your sales team. Of course, commercial acumen is a must in a sales team, but it should be directed in a way that will benefit the company and individual employees.
2. What teams have you managed, and how have you grown them?
When your candidate begins to discuss their previous teams, not only can you gauge their success in a management role but also their passion for creating and building a strong department of salespeople. Listening to a manager talk about their team can very quickly help you discern who is passionate about growing and developing their team and who isn’t.
3. In your opinion, what have you found motivates salespeople the most?
Any good manager will have a list of tried and tested ways to ensure their team stays motivated, and they’ll also know that the same method doesn’t work for every individual.
The sales sector is a money-driven field and is often a motivation for talent. However, a strong candidate will know that sales mean more than financial gain. Sales Directors will demonstrate how they've helped keep everyone in their team working to the best of their abilities and explain how they rectified any situation in which performance needed to improve.
4. What kind of training do you think is important to developing salespeople?
Team development should be at the forefront of a Sales Director's mind. Not only is it essential for your department to stay on top of all the most recent industry changes, but upskilling is an excellent way of motivating new starters.
A confident, skilled new addition to a team can heighten energy levels and impact the bottom line. Similarly, the sharing of new skills can be a great team-building experience.
5. What would you say to someone on your team who isn’t achieving their quota?
Being able to address sales performance issues with individuals in the team can be uncomfortable, but it is a key leadership skill your next Sales Director should have. In addition, the candidate should be able to provide examples of how they can motivate these individuals without being too lenient or overly severe with them.
6. How practiced are you at analyzing data?
Staying on top of the figures is essential as a Sales Director. Sometimes, decisions will have to be made based on data; therefore, experience and strong analytical skills are key. In addition, in-depth experience with client management systems is also a must.
7. How did you achieve success as a salesperson?
Every Sales Director will have their own methods to help them perform in this highly competitive field. Think about the techniques and strategies the candidate says they've deployed throughout their career and assess whether they would suit your company. Your successful hire will likely use them within your sales team.
The responses to these questions should help you identify the traits you'll want from your next Sales Director. Strong leadership, vision, and passion are all things you want to be looking out for when you start interviewing, and with these questions in our arsenal, you could make a massive difference to your sales department. With a great leader at the helm, your team will be more motivated and successful than ever.
Find The Right Person
If you require help finding your next Sales Director, Manager, or any other senior team member who needs a strong sales background to empower your business, we can help. Contact Pareto's Executive team to discuss how we can help you. Executive talent is often the hardest to find, but we can source the people to realize the potential of your sales team.